23 Kasım 2014 Pazar


       EXERCISE 2

        Hi everyone,
     I'm having problems getting a new phone connection here, so instead of sending e-mails, I actually sit down to write a letter.
      I imagine you will be suprised to get this as I've never been much of letter-writer. I'm putting the return address in big letters at the top, because to tell you the truth I've began to feel quite lonely here.
      Well, perhaps I don't mean that exactly. There are plenty of people here for me to talk to. In fact, I'm settling in to the student life quite well, but I don't really know anyone yet. I've got a room in a house a long way from the collage, and seem to spend a long time on the bus. A lot of students are cycling , so I'm trying to find a cheap bike, and so I'm also thinking of moving nearer to collage when I can find somewhere. Sorry-an interruption, someone's knocking at the door. More later. Later. One of the girls downstairs is having a party, and I'm invited. And the phone line has been fixed, so I expect you'll get an e-mail from me very soon! In fact, I'm considering tearing up this letter, so just ignore everything I've said...



       Although the number of deaths caused in trafic accidents in the EU ia going down , experts are still trying to find ways of reducing the number throughout the UE to around 25.000 fatalities per year by 2010. Trafic safeyt is improving , but experts believe that achieveing the 2010 goal will prove difficult. Recent statis show that in 2005, in the EU 41.600 people were killed in the road accidents. Although progress has been made most experts agree that this figure will have fallen to only around 32.000 by 2010 which means that the EU target will be missed by about 7.000. On the other hand, as the amount of trafic is increasing, it is possible to argue that the situation is not as bad as it looks. However, one interprets the statics It remains true that as the time goes on. It's  becoming harder and harder to reduce the figures, especially since accident-reduction schemes costs a lot of money. Many countries have tried and failed to reduce the number of accidents, and in the UE, as whole,only Sweden's pursuing the the goal of zero accidents. Accident reduction is more difficult in building new roads and in introducing safety measures at a fast enough rate. To complicate matters, most new members have very little expeerience in dealing with the emands of heavy traffic. Experts suggest that any safety programme must also set about changing the way drivers behave. Despite what people often say it seems to be younger generation that causes most accidents. In line with this research, many countries are introducing tougher driving tests, and are concentrating on the main causes of accidents: speed, reckless overtaking, alchol and over concidence.


    a) They say Harry is a very good card player.
    b)I don't understand this math problem.
    c)I agree with you.
    d) Where is Anna? She is working in the garden.
    e)Stop shouting, the teacher is coming.
    f)Somebody's knocking at the door.
    g)Some people believe that UFOs have landed on Earth.
    h)It gets hotter all the time in here.
    ı)Skiing is my favorite sport.
    h) Peter is always losing hi homework.


     A burgler tries to break into a big housein the country. He walks very quitely across the garden when he hears a voice:''Big brother is watching you!'' He turns around but he doesn't see anything. So he creeps nearer to house. Suddenly he hears the voice again and he sees a cage hanging from a tree. A parrot is sitting in the cage. The burgler asks the parrot , ''Did you say the stuff about the big brother?''. The parrot answers ''Yes I did.'' ''Is it your name then?'. The parrot says ''No, my name is Montmorency.'' The burgler laughes '' What kind of a stupid idiot would name his parrot Montmorency?'' The parrot replies, ''The same stupid idiot who named his Rotweiler ''Big Brother''- that's the guard dog that stands right behind you!'



In the USAsome university students nowadays are spending more and more time in university before graduating. In American universities, many students are paying/pays their own fees, and this means more time working and lless time studying. Alan Chester is a 25 year old journalism student from Ohio takes 6 year to coplete his undergraduate degree. In order to pay tutition fees and other expenses he work 4 days a week in a university kitchen, while in the university holidays, he does a full-time job. 'I find it difficultat the moment to study and pay my bills at the same time,'' he admits ''but, I'm trying my best and I managed to keep thewolf from the door.'' Allan's parrents understand his decision to take longer to graduate. ''Thet know what I'm going through, and they help me as much as they can. It's hard, but I'm learning/learn to look after myself , and I'm experiencing/experience stuff that might help be useful one day when I'm a journalist.'' He points out that some students are taking/takes more time to graduate because they don't really know what they want to study. ' New courses of study develeops all the time. New subjects appear on the curriculum. Ome students spenr-d time experimenting with different courses before choosing their major. So it is not all about money. I thint universities are going through a period of change like everything else, and students heve to adopt to this changin situation.'

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