2 Ocak 2015 Cuma



In this reflection,  I want to share my ideas about the power the celebrities have to affect other people to do something or not to. To begin with, it is an undeniable fact that with the help of social media and improved communication technologies, it’s now much more easier to reach wide mass, but the most important point is whether it is used  for a good purpose or for the purpose of showing off or satisfying some well-known people’s  egos. Therefore I want to discuss this topic and try to give some clear explanations as much as I can. In my opinion, the sharings or the acts of these well-known people should be given much more attantion than any other person’s while being done so, because they are one of the most efffective examples in the society. The mass media and other constitutions spreading these have also a big responsibility in making up the agenda topic and informing the people. Only the power social media has is enough to start a great movement as seen in the examples of selfie taken at the Oscars or in the ice bucket challenge.  After these, a great number of people began to do so, and these movements got bigger and bigger day by day. That’s why, not only the ones doing it, but also the tools spreading it have the power, and by informing the public about nonsense or useless things, they encourage society unwittingly to follow it. On the other hand, some are also in the opinion that the public should be informed about everything the celebrities do for the reason that they are famous. However, at a point, the celebrities are in a position that directing the public, and spreading every detail of their acts regardless of whether it’s proper or not, may result in negative outcomes in the society or the people’s behaviors following them. The essential point here is that, the responsibility belongs to both celebrities and the media. For celebrities, it is important to set a good example for the society to prevent any possible misbehaviors  and be careful about what they are encouraging people to do. In addition to this, media also should be selective in broadcasting to the public.

1 yorum:

  1. dear fatma
    i really enjoyed when reading your reflection. i think you have exressed your ideas by giving supporting ideas, so i have a new perspective about your topic .i think you are right because media is really important to prevent any possible misbehaviours.your organisation is very good. i did not get confused when reading. your grammar is perfect, and you have used language masterly. you have used appropriate linking words. there is no irrelevant sentence in your paragraphs. moreover, your photos are reflecting your ideas and theme properly, so i like them. you have given details about your ideas; i am approciated for this.
